This application is for authors and publishers only. If you are a product-selling business/artist, please see this form. Every author/publisher wishing to join us at Imaginarium Book Festival must have published at least two titles at the time of submission that fit primarily in the genres of fantasy, paranormal and sci-fi. We will only be considering applications within these genres. Romance novels will be accepted as long as they also fall into the fantasy, paranormal, or sci-fi genres. IBF is a kid-friendly event, so we do not accept erotica titles or products. All payments are non-refundable and table spaces are non-transferable.
A full table is six feet long and comes with two chairs for the exhibitor and their assistant. A half table is also six feet long, but is shared between two exhibitors. Each exhibitor is permitted to attend with one(1) assistant, who will receive a lanyard badge. If your assistant would like access to festival perks and events, they must purchase their own event tickets.
You must have three or more published titles to apply for a full table. Please understand that filling out this application is not a guarantee of acceptance or space. If selected to join us, we will email you with a formal invite in May/June 2025 with directions to make your payment within 30 days. Please see our FAQ if you have any immediate questions. Publishers and agencies with client pitches should contact us directly.
Things we may also consider:
Book cover art and design
Social media content and presence
When: Early June 2026 (Date TBA)
Where: The University of the District of Columbia
Table Fees:
$500 for a full table (2-DAY)
$250 for a half table (2-DAY)
Team Imaginarium
Products & Services (check one)
Will you have an assistant?
Additional Questions / Comments:
Author Photo / Professional Headshot:
Please submit in high resolution.
Book Cover:
Please submit in high resolution.